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April 2020 General Conference Take-aways

Writer's picture: StaceyStacey

This is where LDS general conference is held
LDS Salt Lake City tabernacle

I love watching the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The living prophets give guidance and hope in this chaotic world we live in. I am so grateful for the messages that were given. These are a few of my thoughts and insights from these meetings.

If you are interested to read or listen to the actual talks please visit:

This year General Conference was centered around the celebration of 200 years since Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith which kickstarted the restoration of the gospel. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we were asked to prepare specially for this conference by studying Joseph Smith's First Vision. We were asked to ponder how we each individually hear Heavenly Father. We were promised that if we did this, that this conference would unforgettable.

The Conference held true to what was promised. The talks were all centered around the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They included many aspects of the restoration like Joseph Smith's first vision, the Book of Mormon, the role of women in the restoration, the priesthood, personal revelation, and our role in the continuation of the fulness of the gospel.

President Russell M. Nelson promised that "This year will be extraordinary as we focus intently on the Savior and His restored gospel."

There has been a lot of chaos this year but we don't have to fear when we focus on the Savior, Jesus Christ.

President Henry B. Eyring said, "The prayer of faith is the key to revelation from God."

We were told in this conference that we need to learn to #hearHim to hear the Lord and that He would truly speak to us if we act in faith.

I personally learned from the youth speaker Enzo S. Petelo that when we strive to minister to others under the direction of God that we can minister like angels. This touched me. I know there have been angels in my life and I hope that we all can be touched by others. We are here to help one another.

There were many talks on the priesthood. I loved listening to Elder Dallin H. Oaks who told us that the priesthood can be in abundance in our homes as men and women work together as spouses.

Jean B. Bingham taught that the adversary wants men and women to struggle against each other. But in reality, we are strong and do amazing things when we work united together. Men and women have different roles, but the roles complement each other.

President Russell M. Nelson asked for the world to come together to have a worldwide fast on Good Friday, April 10, 2020 "that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized." When we act in faith, relying on God, miracles happen.

Some amazing things that happened during this conference include a new church symbol that includes the name of Christ's church and the Christus all enveloped by an arch.

Symbol of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The prophet Russell M. Nelson gave a new Proclamation to the World entitled:

The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World. View the prophet reading this proclamation in the link below.

We participated in a Solemn Assembly and Hosanna Shout to show thanks to God. Learn more about what that is here:

There were two youth speakers for the first time in history and 8 new temples were announced.

President Russell M. Nelson invited all to participate in a world-wide fast on Good Friday, April 10, 2020 for relief from COVID-19. Please join.

I KNOW that the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been restored here on earth. I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet that led that restoration. I know that we are still receiving light and knowledge of the fulness of that gospel that will welcome Christ when He comes again. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and speaks of Jesus. I know that there are things that I don't fully understand but if I ask God in faith I can receive answers. The gospel brings me joy and peace and I am so grateful to be alive during this time. I am a child of God and so are you.


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