Easter is a celebration of birth and new beginnings. It is a holiday centered on Jesus Christ. People celebrate Easter in many different ways- by hiding and hunting for eggs, Easter bunnies, chocolate eggs, and special church services, No matter how you celebrate it can all be tied to Jesus Christ.

This year my little boy is old enough to enjoy some of the celebrations. My husband and I usually dye eggs, but my son is allergic so we skipped that one this year. But we did hide plastic eggs for our boy to find!
Eggs are a symbol of birth with the chicks being born and the egg opening up. This is symbolic of Christ with the tomb opening after 3 days and Christ rising again. It also is symbolic of our rebirth when we follow Christ.
We gave our son small gifts. I know some people do elaborate things, our son is 16 months old so he got a few things to enjoy. Gifts are symbolic of the gift of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because He died and rose again we now are all able to be resurrected one day. This means that we will live again and our spirits and bodies will be united forever.

Easter is a wonderful time of the year because there is life seen everywhere. New baby bunnies and birds, flowers are blooming, and gardens are being planted. The Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ promise us life after death.
Jesus Christ truly did bleed and suffer for each of us individually in the garden of Gethsemane. He knows our sins and afflictions. He suffered more so that He can lift us up from these things that bind us down. Jesus died for us on the cross to pay the ultimate price. He died to show His love for us. He rose again after three days so that we can live again. We can find hope and joy because of Him.