Each Halloween I do a party and I have it all based on a theme. This year we are doing a Mario themed. We are having a Mario party.
I have lots of things planned for our party. Some of those things I have to start doing far in advance.
I decided that a pinewood derby race would only be fitting with this theme.
I found some awesome cars on Amazon and bought four of them.
We searched Pinterest for inspiration and got to work. My son wanted to do Bullet Bill. He got to spray paint the wood and carve the wood to make flames, and then of course paint the flames.

His car turned out really cool.
Next, my daughter's. She is dressing as Princess Peach for Halloween. Since she's two, she also wanted a princess car.
I bought air clay off of Amazon and made a star and a crown to sit on her car. I had some gems that I spray painted red and teal to mimic Princess Peach's crown.

My little girl painted her car and once it dried we put all the details together.

I couldn't decide on the design for my car. I tossed around a lot of ideas. I finally found one that I was really excited for.
I chiseled out brick lines, painted, and repainted. I sculpted a mushroom. And came up with this sweet design.

It might be the slowest car out of all of them, but it looks super fun!
I left my husband to his own devices to get his car done. He found a Bowser toy and some game pieces to make his car extra cool.

My parents came up for the party and made their own cute cars. We all had such a great time painting our cars in preparation for this day.

I rented a pinewood derby track from our local college. It was really easy to put together. We ended up racing our cars over and over again for a little over an hour.

It was so much fun. It was just right on the theme for a Mario party. I mean, we HAD to race cars. My son's Bullet Bill car was the fastest out of all the cars. His car won just about every single race.