Today my husband and I celebrate our 4 year anniversary! We have come a long way. In the course of 4 years, we have moved three times, bought two cars, outlived one fish, had our first child, my husband has had 2 jobs, I have had 6 jobs, we bought a home, and have learned to love each other better. It has been a fantastic adventure.
It is amazing to me how I thought I was in love the day we got married. But I love Ricky more than I could possibly imagine. Each day it seems to deepen a little more. Ricky is my best friend. We work hard, we play hard, we work through our problems, and we love each other. There is nothing more I could ask for.

This year to celebrate our anniversary, we went back to one of our honeymoon locations. Lava Hot Springs Idaho. We just did a day trip and left our son with a friend for the day.
For our honeymoon, we had gone at the end of the season and missed out on just about everything to do there. We decided we had to go back to experience those things.
We left very early in the morning. We drove straight to the hot pools. Lava has a pool with slides (fun for the family) and a location that is only hot pools. We went to the hot pools.
The hot pools stay open all year long.

The hottest pool is about 112 degrees and the coolest is 103 degrees. A few of the smaller pools have jets built along the sides. They are just giant hot tubs, it is great. We took cold water with us to keep us hydrated- I highly recommend this!

We went to the zipline adventure. This experience included hiking, ziplines, and a ropes course- just about everything you would want. We were so sad to have missed this before. It was so much fun!

There were short hikes up to the two ziplines (we went on each zipline two times.) They were pretty long ziplines.

I didn't get a picture of the full ropes course, but there were so many fun things to do. there was a rock wall, the actual ropes course, a tall crane thing to jump out of, and so many more activities. It really was amazing. There was something for every age (the youngest was 7). The staff was knowledgeable and fun. It was well worth the money.
In addition to all the high adventure, Ricky bought me a new ring. I've been wanted a ring that was flat and simple.

We can't even believe how fast these four years have gone. We are so excited to see what the next years will have in store for us. We love being married to each other. It really is the best thing.
