May is National Date Your Mate Month. Sounds like fun right!? With being stuck inside our home due to the Idaho stay-at-home order, it has been tough doing fun things with my husband. Not this month! I've worked really hard this month to make sure that we had fun. My husband worked hard too and came up with a bunch of great date ideas.
I've known Ricardo for 4 years, been married for 3 1/2 years. We met and got married very quickly because we were so sure about each other. We had a lot of fun times together. We have also had hard times together (because marriage isn't perfect). We have had one child and we like being with each other.
Here is how we observed Date Your Mate Month:
May 1, 2020: Painting
My brother suggested that we paint portraits of each other. So we did! We each used acrylic paints and painted portraits of each other. It was very fun. We used different styles and similar colors.

We painted in silence while we watched Brooklyn Nine-nine. It was very sweet. I really loved spending that quiet, quality time together.

May 2, 2020: Sand Dunes
We needed to escape the confines of our home. I have lived in Rexburg, Idaho for four years straight and I have never been to the sand dunes here. My husband promised to take me and we finally went. We took advantage of the different scenery and took family pictures while we were there.

Our son loved the sand and we all really enjoyed being outside. After being there for about two minutes he took his shoes off. It was perfect weather too!

We had a lot of fun playing. It was nice to get out and explore Idaho a little more. Afterward we got burgers at a local restaurant- the best burgers ever!

May 11, 2020: Ice Cream Run
It was a rough day for me so we got ice cream at Dairy Queen. I got the fudge stuffed cookie and Ricardo got a triple chocolate brownie. The fudge at Dairy Queen is my favorite. Of course, our son begged ice cream off us both. It was a nice quick thing to do. Fun and simple. #dairyqueen
May 16, 2020: Whipped Cream Categories Date
Ricardo came up with this date and we refined the details together. We decided that it was important to continuously get to know each other. Before meeting each other we had our own lives! So we played categories essentially. We each had a question in each category at each point level (100, 200, 300, 400, 500). If we got the question wrong about each other then the questioner got to throw whipped cream at the other.

We came up with four categories:
1. It was LEGEN wait for it... DARY (#1 key moments in our life)
2. FRIENDS (all relationships, friends, family)
3. Pee My Pants (cringe or funny moments)
4. Truth or Die-Lie! (spot the lie. The number of truths increased with the number of points)

It was really hard coming up with good questions but it ended up as a success- meaning we learned more about each other and we were covered in whipped cream.

We made up the rule that if you got it wrong you had to keep answering until you got the correct answer. Each wrong answer you got more whipped cream thrown at you.

I think you could say that it was a success! We had so much fun! It was such a beautiful day to do this too. I was amazed at the questions that my husband came up with. And it was hard to answer a lot of them. We asked each other about your childhoods and it was very fun to learn more.
May 20, 2020: Backyard Builds
We recently bought some fun backyard items and Ricardo and I built each item together. It was overwhelming to begin each build but we ended up with a working grill, fun swing set, and a darling firepit. It was fun to build these things with Ricardo. It felt good to work together and make good outcomes happen.
May 23, 2020
Today we went out on the town and visited "Runnin 4 Sweets." It's a little candy store they have in town. And we bought some sweets of course!

We got some good chocolate and a few things that remind us of my time in China and my husband's time in Brazil.
May 26, 2020: Cheesecake!
We were craving cheesecake so we got some. We only got a half cake though! So..we have limitations on sweets.
Anyways my husband and I get into fights over food so we split the cake in half and then we ate it with our own toppings.

My husband used some of the chocolate from the candy store and I topped mine with blackberries. My husband and I love each other, we might grow old AND fat together. But it's worth it.
This has been a great month. Ricardo and I both worked hard to spend quality time together. We laughed and ate food and talked a lot. We have made a goal to continue making dates a priority. They probably won't happen as often as our family grows but dates don't always have to be a big thing. I love my man and I'm grateful that I get to keep dating him.