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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Backyard Fun!

Alright, we've been very blessed to have jobs during this COVID-19 craziness. We got our stimulus package and knew that we needed to spend the money to put it back into the economy. My husband and I decided that we would use the money for some fun things for our family to use.

We waited a month for some of these fun things to be delivered to our home but it gave us something to look forward to and we needed that.

We got a grill. This is something we decided was important to have. It will encourage us to spend more time together outside. When all this quarantine stuff is over we will be able to have friends over to enjoy it too.

The grill did not come assembled. It took my husband 3 days to build it. It was so overwhelming on the first day. But now my husband says that he is grateful that he got to build it- It really makes it his grill.

My husband broke the grill in by cooking up some delicious stakes and roasted corn on the cob. It was so yummy.

The previous owners left a whole bunch of pots and a neighbor gave me another- But I had nothing to put inside them! I am so excited to make my yard full of colors!

We bought some mums and a few other things. I have some tomato seeds already planted in a few pots but I also wanted flowers.

My son helped me spread dirt all over the patio and pick the flowers. It really was ok. These things are meant to be enjoyed. I love the colors and I am excited to watch them grow!

We bought a swing set that our son and future children, along with friends would be able to enjoy for many years. This is a very simple swing set but we are so excited to have it in our yard. We bought a separate baby swing so are boy could enjoy it now.

I didn't realize that it was blue but I love it! I love how colorful my yard is getting. Our son loves the baby swing we got for him.

Our swingset came a few weeks early! We built the swing set together and that took some time to build because it rained for several days.

It has been very fun putting everything together. We love how our home is becoming a place where we can play and enjoy our time together. I have loved the grill, my husband has made dinner at least twice a week now. That alone made this all worth it.

Our son is still a little hesitant about the slide but he will get to grow into all the fun that the swingset has to offer.

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