In a couple of my previous posts, I have expressed how I have wanted a nativity Christmas tree this year. What is that? You ask. Well, think of a nativity and put it on a Christmas tree. Boom! Nativity tree.

We bought the tree off of Amazon. It has pinecones and red berries already on some of the branches, which I love. I think it will add some fun elements to the overall look.
I got white lights for the tree. I didn't want tons of colors so I am going for white, gold, silver, and red. I thought that having colorful lights would distract and take away from the effect that I wanted.

I made some earlier posts about how I made some of the ornaments that are included on the tree. Here's how they look on the tree!
The sheep are darling. This is the first year that I've had them on my tree. I made them last year right after Christmas so I never got a chance.

I love the pictures of Christ and His different names. I think it really tells what the tree is supposed to be about. I wanted pictures that would tie in the other ornaments (like the sheep- the Good Shepherd).

The stars bring a nice touch. They are rustic and are a common thing you see at Christmas time. I think these are unique though.

The angels I also bought off of Amazon. They are so beautiful and sweet looking.

I really wanted my Christmas tree to focus on Jesus Christ and I hope I succeeded at that. Here is it all decorated and beautiful.

In addition to all the ornaments that I made, I had red, gold, and silver Christmas balls, and red candy canes.
I love how everything looks together. It looks even more amazing than I imagined. I clearly have been so excited for this all year. I think I achieved in making the tree centered around the birth of Jesus Christ. I hope to make Christmas what it is meant to be all about.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He truly did come to earth to suffer and die for each of us. I know that He knows our names, He knows our circumstances. He loves us. I am so grateful for His love and for God's great plan for us to be able to return to Him again.
Merry Christmas!