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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Darling $4 Kitchen decor

Writer: StaceyStacey

Step one of buying a house- You have to make it your own! How do you do that? Decorate!

But wait! You just bought a home, you don't have tons of money to throw into decorations! What do you do! THRIFT STORE! That's right, most of my decorations come thrifts stores or the Dollar Tree. I am proud to show you one of my successful creations.

Cheese grater vase.

I found the cheese grater at a thrift store for 75 cents, ribbon 25 cents and the biggest purchase was flowers $3. Of course you could spend some big bucks and spend more on the flowers by purchasing them from a craft store.

The cheese grater is faced this way so the biggest holes are in the back so you can easily hang it in your kitchen. I covered the empty space on the bottom with some scrapbook paper I had. This way I couldn't see the flower stems from the bottom.

Classy and clever decoration for your kitchen.


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