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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Earth day

Writer: StaceyStacey

Now before you go thinking that I am a huge green person- I'm not. But I do love nature and I love living in a beautiful world. So I am here to celebrate the earth with you today.

My city does recycling. Our recycling containers are free which is awesome. They allow for pretty much all recyclable materials except glass. My family goes through a lot of cardboard due to the diaper boxes.

I have a designated recycle box in our house. And of course, I decorated it so my husband won't throw it away.

I love that earth day is in April because this is when spring hits Idaho. This is the time to start planting gardens! In my opinion, there is no better way to celebrate earth day than to plant a garden!

I planted my seeds in the last week of March so that they would be ready to plant in May. This is my progress. I have tomatoes, bell peppers, squash, cantaloupe, green onions, basil, and parsley. Once it is warm enough I will plant lettuce as well and I will transfer these seedlings outside. Having a garden is a great way to beautify this world. It gives us opportunities to be outside and eat good food. I don't know tons about gardening but I love it and I try hard to make it work out.

Go out and enjoy the earth in some way today!


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