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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Project Pen Pals

Recently there have been posts on Facebook about senior citizens needing pen pals. Because of COVID-19 senior citizens have had to stay quarantined due to their being high risk. I am not going to lie- I have been pretty lonely too. Fortunately, I am able to go grocery shopping, go on walks, spend time with a few people, even if I have to wear a mask or take extra precautions. But these older people don't have the privilege because they are at greater risk. So I loved the idea of becoming a pen pal for some of them.

I got all these grand ideas about sending letters around the US to assisted living homes but then my thoughts turned to my town here in Rexburg. There has got to be people here in my town who are in that same situation. And my thoughts turned to my own grandparents who are now shut in their homes to protect their health.

Off to write some letters.

I contacted an assisted living home here in Rexburg and explained to them what I wanted to do. They were very kind and happy to give me some names and the address to send the letters to.

I started out with letting my 18 months old go to town on some plain white paper and markers. I thought my grandparents and the other seniors would enjoy some nice drawings.

My husband and I wrote messages over the top of the drawings. For the ones going to the assisted living home, we introduced ourselves and what we are doing with our lives. We wrote about our favorite things and interests.

I ended up writing 6 letters, including the two for my grandparents. I am excited to see if I end up getting any cute pen pals. Even if I don't get any letters back, I hope that the notes I gave lifts someone's heart. Doing this made me feel happier too.

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