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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Harry Potter Wreath

Writer: StaceyStacey

Being stuck inside I decided I needed to do something that makes me happy- crafting!

I am planning to do a Harry Potter-themed Halloween this year and I wanted to incorporate the Deathly Hallows in a fun way.

I found some fun ideas on #Pinterest for a wreath shaped like the Deathly Hallows. Of course, I made it my own but I based my end product off of the ideas that I found.

Materials needed:


Hot glue

Fake Flowers


Anything else you would enjoy on the wreath.


First, gather supplies. I enjoyed roaming my yard trying to find some good sticks for my wreath. I baked the sticks at 170 degrees for 35 minutes to kill any bugs that might be living on them.

I loved the stick idea. It will bring a natural, rustic look to the wreath.

I chose my sticks and laid them out how I wanted them placed in my wreath design. I used twine to tie them together and then used hot glue to really make sure it wasn't going to come apart.

The best part: Decorating!

I used silver, gold, and white baubles (I have no idea what they are called, balls?), white flowers, and red ribbon.

I placed the baubles and ribbon first. I wrapped the ribbon around the "wand" and "resurrection stone" to help them stand out more. The "invisibility cloak" can be seen more clearly as it is the main shape. Next, I added a few leaves and then I placed the flowers. I chose the white, gold, and red colors to make a nod at the Gryffindor house.

Yes, yes it has the Deathly Hallows but I wanted to add one more Harry Potter element to it. I found this darling little white owl that could be Hedwig.

All the decorations were attached by hot glue...A lot of hot glue. I've had too may wreaths fall apart so I made sure this one wouldn't. I added a weight to the left corner of the wreath to balance out the weight. I covered the weight with a leaf and some baubles.

I really, really love how this turned out. I'm not sure how well this will go with my other Harry Potter decorations I have planned but it really is beautiful. I think I will end up hanging it in my dining room- a little sophisticated Harry Potter in there.

Halloween can't come soon enough! I am so excited! What holiday do you love?


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