My house is grey. The outside is grey and the inside is grey. Grey is usually nice but with everything so grey it is depressing. The grey walls make my kitchen feel very dark, it already has a dark floor, and dark cabinets. Time for some change!
I never thought I would paint any of my walls white. I love color, but my kitchen needed to be lighter. I didn't want a color, I thought that would look bad, so white it is!
I got to say, it is a whole lot harder to paint a kitchen then it is a bedroom. There are just so many more things to tape and to cover up. It is a lot of work.
Almost done! Ignore the mess- had to entertain my kid while I painted. I think the white looks so good. It really just lifts the room.
Well because white is boring I couldn't just do everything white...
I painted light blue behind my stove. It was a lot brighter than I originally planned, but it's there so I'm not changing it now.
I decided the blue wasn't enough, and I wanted to tie in sunflowers in my design (I have some sunflower decor in my kitchen). So I bought some stencils off of amazon.
I practiced a ton! It is really hard to paint using a stencil with so many small designs! I ended up spray painting. It came out a lot cleaner, though I nearly died from the fumes.
I really like the stencil I chose. It just makes my kitchen look whimsical and well less boring.
There was one more thing I decided to add to my kitchen. The previous owners of the house had left this tile, there were only about 2 feet of it (it is not in any part of the house, just this small sample). I measured it out and it fit just perfectly on my window ledge.
I cemented it down and sealed it all up. It just adds a little something more. It also just looks fantastic with my plants on top of it!
My kitchen feels brighter and happier. I think this is so important for a kitchen because I spend so much time here making food.