Marriage is hard. It is the union of two different people who have two different ideas on how to do everything. Marriage absolutely is worth it and is wonderful but it is not easy. My husband and I have struggled to learn how to communicate with each other. It is a trial we never thought we would ever have to face.
As changes have occurred in our marriage we have had to readjust. We had to regroup with each semester of school, when we got pregnant, when we had our baby, when we changed jobs, and when we bought a house. We are now realizing that being quarantined because of COVID-19 is causing our marriage stress.
These last few days have been really hard. We absolutely love each other but not being able to leave our home very often and being in such close quarters isn't easy. We are seeking counsel from professionals to help us through this. I am sure we all will need counseling when this is all over.
In addition to this, we are taking time to have more fun. We are going to have "date nights" in our home but we are going to make them different and more special than regular nights.
On 4/16/2020 we had our first date night in quarantine. We started out with playing two rounds of Villainous. We each won a game (this is a really good thing, we are both highly competitive and ending on a high note is important). Next, we decided to paint something together.
My husband is not an artist. He is creative in other ways but painting is not a strong ability of his. However, he knows how much I love to paint. He suggested that we paint something together. This worked out so well! I have had a canvas prepped for a piece to go in our bedroom. But I have had no idea what to put on it!

We came up with a design together. And we jumped right into painting. Our hands are the same size so we made a heart with our hands and placed a heart in the middle. We used pink and two different blues to match our bedroom colors.

We found a quote that we felt really fit what marriage is about. I sketched the words and then we both painted. This really was the hardest part for my husband. He took charge of two words done in pink and I painted the rest in black. My husband shook and was scared he would mess up the whole thing.

I really love how raw the whole thing turned out. I think it shows that our love is raw and rough, it is not always perfect but we keep trying together.
It turned out well and looks great with the other artwork we have in our bedroom. It is a painting we will keep forever. I am so grateful that we did it together.

We decided that we are going to continue to paint with each other. We had a lot of fun and maybe we can share more of our hobbies.
I love my husband with all of my heart and soul. This quarantine stuff isn't easy but I'm not going to let it ruin what we have worked for.