May the 4th be with you. Today is Star Wars day! I am not the biggest Star Wars fan but I am part of a big family who is. I also have my husband who is a fan and I am sure that my son will love it too one day. Even if I am not the biggest fan, I can still celebrate- I love finding reasons to celebrate and I think we really need it during this time.
I started the day by doing my hair and of course, I needed to do it in a way that it went with the day. Can you guess? Ok, it was a tough choice between Princess Leia buns and the Rey-do. I ended up attempting Leia buns. I went grocery shopping with this hair.

For part of the celebration, I made Wookiee cookies. I made a chocolate sugar cookie and decorated it so it looked like a Wookiee. It was a Chewie cookie.
Here is the recipe I found on #Pinterest for chocolate sugar cookies. The cookie dough was really smooth and smelled so good!

My husband helped me roll out the dough and I created the fur on the Wookiees by using a fork.

Then when they cooled off we added a chocolate belt with white & black gel details.

When we thought we had enough Wookiees adequate for an army, we switched to little Ewoks. My husband used the last bit of dough to make the Death Star. Oh, and they taste so good. Rich dark chocolate.
We created some ears to make Yoda Soda and we took that with some Wookiee cookies to some neighbors.

It was a very fun day. It was nice to have something a little different than what we have been doing each day. I think my son would make a very cute Jedi.

We, of course, ended the day by watching The Rise of the Skywalker on #Disneyplus. My husband had seen the movie but I never have- so I was excited to see it with my family.
