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Homemaker in the making

This is my journey in becoming the Lady of the House. I have projects and parenting ideas. As well as just fun things. 

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Taking Care of Me

Here is part two of my self-care journey! I told you it was ongoing!

My sister-in-law started hair school at the beginning of 2021 and has been learning all sorts of awesome things. She has been so excited about what she's learned that she has been happy to share some of her newly attained knowledge with me.

Now, a little backstory for me- I have always had naturally curly hair. I had ringlets on the bottom layer and waves on top. In 2015 I moved to China for a few months and because of the humidity there my curls were amazing! I absolutely loved it! I hardly had to do my hair because I'd wake up and my hair was this beautiful curly mess!

China 2015

Since coming back home my hair has gotten increasingly straighter. I don't love it. My hair is dry and I've really missed the curl. If all my dreams were to come true, I would have the curl I did in China.

Ok, that's the end of the backstory. My sister-in-law shared with me that we can put humidity back into our hair! For those of us with naturally curly hair, it will help the curl come out better! When she told me this I was so pumped and ready to start experimenting with products! That is so big- I have never used any special product in my hair.

The first thing I changed was my shampoo and conditioner. Because my sister-in-law is in hair school she was able to get me some good stuff for a lot cheaper than what I would have had to pay. She then taught me how I needed to wash my hair twice with the shampoo (barely using any), focusing on the roots. And then a little bit of conditioner, letting it sit for at least 60 seconds in my hair before washing it out.

Ouidad Curl Quencher

After using this stuff only one time- my curl has already become so much curlier! My hair also has more volume and I am liking it a ton more! It doesn't look like much in this picture, but it is a huge difference!

Before I would braid my bangs back every single day. Now I have been letting my bangs out. My hair feels healthier, it doesn't lie there so lifeless anymore.

My curls are probably never going to look like the way they did when I was in China, but I am so thrilled with the direction they are going.

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