Today happens to be National "Don't cry over spilled milk day," meaning to have a good attitude even when things aren't going your way. This fell on the perfect week for my little family. My son is teething (7th tooth coming in) and he is so grumpy! Every day for the last week it has been constant whining and tears. My son just wants to be held and he doesn't want to eat anything. It has been too much fun. To add to the title of the day- he threw up on me! I think he played too hard and his little tummy couldn't handle it.

Well in honor of the day, I just want to express how much I love my little boy. He truly brings me so much joy. It doesn't matter if I've got milk throw up on my jeans, graham cracker crumbs in my bra, my hair not done, and my ears bleeding from all the crying. I love being a mom. I love the bursts of giggles over the silliest things, I love reading stories and showing my boy something novel. I love how happy he is when we go outside. I love how he cuddles when he drinks his milk. Being a mom is worth it to me.

So some positive twists this week. My son is teething, he is one step closer to eating foods like his mom and dad (steak, corn on the cob...). He threw up on me...well it means he was enjoying himself a lot! And my jeans get an early wash! Nice! The hard times in life are hard yes, but we can always see something that is special in the middle of those moments.