We've reached the "terrible twos."
Oh, what's so terrible about this time? I mean our toddlers are learning and exploring so much! They are starting to make conversation and interact in such fun ways.
When does the terrible part start? Oh, it starts when your kid climbs out of their crib for the first time. It is so fun guessing how many times you're gonna have to put them back in their bed before they go to sleep. It is so fun being woken up early the next morning with a child in your bedroom saying "All done!"
I do consider myself pretty lucky. The first night my son climbed out of his bed, he only did it twice and then he stayed put and went to sleep. I know other parents who have had many great horror stories with their toddler escaping cribs.
Well, the next day we pulled out the toddler bed. We have been very blessed. At the beginning of March 2020, a neighbor posted on Facebook saying they had a free toddler bed on their front porch for anyone who wanted it.
We rushed over and took it! I knew we would need it eventually, I just didn't know when exactly. December 2020 was when we ended up needing it. I am so grateful that we didn't have to worry about purchasing a bed during that time.

My husband put it together and I scrubbed it down (It needed it after sitting in our garage for so long).
I am so excited about it! I scored with it already being white, it matches perfectly in that room.

In addition to the bed, we switched the doorknob so the lock is now on the outside. Locking a child in their room? Apparently, it is perfectly acceptable when transitioning them to a big kid bed.

I love that this boy is growing. I love that he is exploring more and learning so much every day. He sure keeps me on my toes. I'm grateful that even when he gets bumps and bruises from playing hard, he keeps smiling. Wish us luck in this new stage of life!