One-year-olds are busy! They have so much energy! So what do you do with them during the day? These little babies need to expel this energy so they can take good naps. Here are some great ideas for quality, energy spending activities.
My son loves bubbles. Bubbles are a great outside or bathtub activity. I also use them inside in my kitchen. It is so easy to just mop the floor after we play. It's an awesome activity for all seasons. I would just watch to make sure your kid doesn't (1) spill the bubbles and (2) eat/drink straight bubbles. It doesn't bother me that my kid tries to eat the occasional one but the whole bottle- maybe not.

Slime or play-doh
This is one I have to watch to make sure my kid doesn't eat but it is such fun! I have simple recipes for both of them.
2/3 c. Salt
1/2 c. flour
1/3 c. water
food coloring of your choice
Combine the salt, water, and food coloring in a small pan (medium heat) and slowly add flour. It thickens up nicely. I remember my mom making play-doh when I was little and she would let it cool down before she gave it to us kids, but not all the way. So we would play with warm play-doh. Still love warm play-doh.
2/3 c. Elmers glue (the white works the best, not so much for the clear)
1/4 c. Water
1/2 t. baking soda
1 1/2 t. Saline or eye drops (must contain boric acid and sodium borate)
Mix glue, water, and baking soda together, try to remove as many bubbles as you can. This is when you can add those sparkles or food coloring, but you can also wait until the end (it is a little messier). Slowly add 1t. of the eye drops, it thickens like crazy! Next, you will add the other 1/2 t. of the drops. Slime! It is best to let it sit for a day because it gets less sticky.

This is the most popular activity right now. We bought books from a thrift store or were gifted books from people. But books are such a huge interest at this age. We have like 15 board books right now, but of course, my son has his favorite 3 which we read over and over. This is a great way to bond. My kid sits on my lap and we read and then we read that book again, and again.
This one is exhausting not gonna lie. I hold his hands and we run up and down the hallway. He just giggles and giggles. I think he could really do it for hours. But oh boy, it hurts mamma's back and costs energy. But this is a good one to do about 30 minutes before nap time, it allows for the child to have time to calm down before they need to sleep.
Go Outside
Go out in all weathers. Just do it. Your kid will experience it all and they will love it. Every single day my son bangs on the door to go outside in the 3 feet of snow. Just bundle them up and take them out. It will be good for both mom and baby. You can always change your child's clothes if they get dirty or wet. Let them explore.

Toss or roll a ball to each other. My kid learned to kick a ball and then tackle it (soccer player in the making?). This will help with their gross motor skills.
This is like the ultimate peek-a-boo. I love playing chase with my son. It takes energy for the both of us. We have a couch in our home that stands alone (like away from the wall) and we chase around and around the couch.
Bath or water play
Bath during the day!? Oh yes, so much fun. It will take up time and they get to splash and be naked. There is nothing better. Water play can be a little bit of water in a bowl or 9x9 pan, give them some measuring cups or spoons and let them go to town. I lay down a swim towel underneath just to make the clean up a little easier and then I throw the towel in the wash when we're done.

I love my little boy. He is such a joy to have. He has a ton of energy and sometimes it is hard to come up with something to do because each day he is just busy as can be. These little kiddos need to be stimulated to help them develop their motor skills and their brains. Be creative! They will just love it!