I love wooden toys. Wooden toys last longer and are just so natural. I feel like they connect us to our world and to our ancestors. I have many ancestors and distant relatives that had wooden toys when they grew up.

I also have distant relatives that made toys. I know that there many people who have a hobby of making toys. I have been gifted wooden cars by someone who has this talent and interest.

Before I got pregnant with my son I bought 6 wooden cubes to use as blocks. I knew I would one day have kids and I wanted my kids to have something simple to play with. A toy made of wood gives so much opportunity for imagination and can help cultivate a spirit of gratitude.
I couldn't leave the blocks raw because I love color! Here is how I transformed the 6 wooden blocks.
Three simple materials:
Wooden blocks (found at any craft store). I used the 1.5-inch blocks- smaller for smaller hands.
Scrapbook paper
Elmer's glue
Modge podge
Measure out square pieces of scrapbook paper to fit the side of the block. I chose colors that were bright and fun. I used paper with lots of different patterns to add an element of interest. I also found some pictures that were small enough to fit on the blocks. I decided it would be fun to have a block that is personalized to the child. For my son's block, there is an image of his ultrasound at 20 weeks old. As my family grows I will add more pictures to replace some of the scrapbook paper.
I used Elmer's glue just to attach the paper to the blocks. It didn't need to be any fancy glue because the Modge Podge was going to seal it all up.
Next, the Modge Podge! It took some time to do this because each block had 6 sides to Modge Podge. After it dries its smooth and all sealed up.

I love how they turned out. The Modge Podge coating really worked well. There is no way my son will be able to peel the paper off (which he is really big into eating right now). What an easy, fun way to personalize a toy!

I think it is safe to say that my son loves his new colorful blocks