I have the awesome blessing of working from home. I get to roll out of bed, make sure my hair isn't too crazy, and then I go to work. Yes, I got to work in sweats and slippers! How do I do this? I teach with VIPKID.
VIPKID is an extracurricular program for Chinese students to learn English as a second language outside of normal school. And I am one of the teachers! Now, there are good and bad things about every job out there. Here is my opinion about teaching with VIPKID.

Cons of working with VIPKID:
Times: You teach in accordance with China time (BJT) so, depending on where you are located in the word will dictate when you teach. The students can't take classes while they are at school obviously and they also cannot take online classes after 9 pm (BJT). Living in Rexburg means that morning classes end around 6 am, and start at 6 pm in the evenings. So your choice to teach is in the mornings way before 6 am (I get up at 4:30 am to teach at 5 am for an hour) and in the evenings starting at 6 pm and then all night long if you want (I teach 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the evenings).
Cancelation Policy: VIPKID has a weird cancelation policy for classes. You are only allowed a certain number of cancelations per contract, this is for booked classes. When you go over the amount allowed they will review your case and decide if they want to keep you on as a teacher. If an emergency happens and you miss a class you can appeal the cancelation but you have to provide proof. They then review it and may give you a 'soft cancelation' instead which does not count as a normal cancelation. This can be difficult to deal with.
Taxes: VIPKID does not take out taxes for the US, I mean you get a 1099-MISC form and everything but then you do end up paying a good junk of taxes because nothing was taken out. The upside to this is that this is counted as self-employment and any expenses you make toward class can be applied to your taxes. This helps but your tax return is smaller than it would have been.

Pros of working with VIPKID:
The pay: You can make from $14/hour up to $20/hour which is not bad at all. I make $20/hour because I do not have a teaching certificate or license here in the US (I have TESOL certification) but I do have 3 years of teaching experience, with some being in China.
The length of the class and the curriculum: Each class for the lower level students is only 25 minutes and the upper levels students is 55 minutes. I only teach the lower level students. I can do anything for 25 minutes. The curriculum is already made and VIPKID wants to teach from that curriculum. All I have to plan is some extension on the class slides and prepare some rewards. That's it!
Teaching availability: You choose when you teach! If you don't want to work morning, you don't have to! If you don't want to teach Sundays, you don't have to! Want to take a week off for vacation, don't open any class times! It is so easy and so nice not have to ask and compete with others for time off. I took 2 weeks off for Christmas break and no one said anything about it.
Working from home: This is absolutely the best perk to working with VIPKID. I have to awesome opportunity to help provide for my family and I get to raise my son. We don't have to pay for daycare or babysitters, I get to be with my son all day. I also can stay in my pajamas all day because of this and that could be a good or a bad thing- your call.

Well, these are my opinions on this job. The pros obviously outweigh the cons for me because I keep on teaching. If you are interested in teaching with VIPKID, contact me- I would love to answer questions. You can apply at www.vipkid.com/teach, please use my referral code: STACE0197 or use this link https://www.vipkid.com/mkt/landing/personal?referralToken=fa840e08f39f803bc0694733bf658a85&refereeId=29009524
Use my referral and I can make sure you are successful in the hiring process!